AFRS Graduation

We need your help with AFRS Graduation dates.  It only takes about 1 hour of your time to go make this presentation to the Distinguished Graduate.  We realize you are busy, we all are busy but somehow we find time to attend this worthwhile event.  I have been to many of these and they are very “satisfying”.  To see the next generation of Air Force Recruiters is an awesome feeling.  It confirms for me that our Legacy lives on.

Here is the sequence of events:

  • Buffet Lunch at the Gateway Enlisted Club at Lackland AFB at 11:00— (pay-as-you-go).  If you do not wish to eat, please be there by 11:15.
  • 11:15-12:15?—Graduation, you will be given an opportunity to say a few words (IF YOU WISH) when you present the award.  Note:  The Schoolhouse has the awards.
  • Attire is business casual.

To volunteer to take one of the classes, PLEASE REPLY via E-mail to me at  THANK YOU VERY MUCH!